Monday, January 17, 2011

A Little of This, And A Little of That

Ever since Nathan took over our humble little hospital...

It seems as though we've been doing more of this...

Than this.....

Nathan especially has been piled under mounds of paperwork. All the drug reps want to meet with him and everyone wants a moment of his time. It doesn't leave a lot of time to actually be a doctor and take care of your patients. 

Things have seemed to even themselves out and life has slowed to just mildly chaotic. We continue to wait, and wait, and wait for a buyer for our lovely Texas home. Sigh.....

Since I've been home, I've been trying to help out Nathan as much as possible mostly with the administrative needs of the clinic. I got the website updated....

And I'm learning to pay the bills and do payroll, etc. Bleck!!! It has definitely been a family affair. My mother has been my dad's 'administrative assistant' since I started college and so she has been a huge help to us. She would come up a couple times a week and help Nathan pay bills, etc before I moved home. 

Nathan's mom has helped answer phones on Saturday mornings, and I commissioned his Gpa Streeper to do some handy work within the clinic to help get us organized. All in all, things are slowly falling into place. 

With that said, it has freed me up to branch out and do a little of this and that. Before I moved home, I set up some relief work to help out another vet in the area while his associate went on maternity leave. My schedule is pretty full as I'm doing relief two days a week, working for Nathan one day a week, and working for my dad the other two days. I think Dad and I were equally as anxious to start working together. I think he was afraid I was going to spend all of his money, and I was afraid of how I was going to get his practice updated to the 21st century. But again....things seem to be slowly falling into place. 

Here we are on our first day of work together officially as Dr. and Dr. Mangold...

Now, being that this is family affair...of course Mom was there with her camera...and she has always been my personal paparazzi. Here's an 'action' shot from my first day. (Does my hair always look that bad?) 

Going over some charts together.....

I got a little resistance from him throughout the day...But I think he's starting to see the light. :) Let's just hope I won't want to wring his neck too much (and he doesn't fire me) steps, Dad, baby steps. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics of you and your dad! Glad things are settling down a bit for you both. We still miss you guys lots!
