Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My Boob is Sick

My boob is sick.....

Roughly two weeks ago the dogs were due for their annual heartworm test and vaccines. Luckily, we ran a mini panel with Ruby's heartworm test which showed just mildly elevated liver values...which can run in scottish terriers. She was due for just one vaccine and had a great check up! 

About 10 days later she stopped eating...and this girl LOVES to eat...she takes after her mama!! :)

She was acting ok and pretty much her normal self..she just stopped eating. So Nathan took her into the clinic for a full workup and her liver values had sky rocketed! We really aren't sure what triggered this acute hepatopathy...whether it's the vaccine or a toxin she was exposed to...or something worse. 

I ultrasounded her, Nathan ultrasounded her and we finally took her to the specialty clinic and had the internist scan her....thankfully everything has come up clean...but it's equally as frustrating as we don't know what caused her problems. 

She's on a barage of meds and we've had her on fluids all weekend....

We set up a makeshift ICU  in our laundry room....she's behind the baby gate with Wrigley looking in on her...I've nicknamed Wrigley 'Gaylord Focker' as he's become her male nurse. :)

Today she seems a little brighter and is finally eating some canned food with reluctance...we will be checking her liver values again think positive thoughts for her and her liver!! 

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