Tuesday, August 16, 2016

6 months

Still the happiest little boy around. Rowan is 6 months old this month...it's hard to believe. He's still super snuggly and gives the best 'baby' hugs...however, he's starting to grab and pull hair! I love this age...the newborn stage is cute, small and cuddly...but soooooo much work! You can't really enjoy it past all the exhaustion. At 6 months their personality starts to emerge and they don't seem so fragile! This guy has a million dollar smile and he flashes it from across the room when he recognizes you. He's started to screech and squeal and his noises are ear piercing! He loves his sister and doesn't usually mind the mauling she gives him. He actually seems to enjoy it most of the time. Someone asked me the other day how I keep her off of him....I replied 'I don't'...it's really a lost cause. Unless he's making noises of discomfort, I let them work it out. In true toddler fashion, the more I tell her not to go near him, the more insistent she is on being in his face....so I let the novelty wear off and let her at him and then it's not quite so fun...for an hour or so! She asks to see him all the time and loves it when I bring him up with me to wake her up in the morning or get her up from her naps. She always wants to 'read' to him and loves to read 'The Truck Book' to him. 

He's sitting up pretty much on his own. I still use the boppy pillow around him because Viv will frequently knock him over if he's not supported. He's reaching a lot for toys out in front of him and has started putting stuff in his mouth. He's pretty content to sit and play on the floor for an extended period of time. He loves to chew on my hands and fingers. He doesn't have any teeth yet. He's still spitting up frequently but doesn't seem to be drooling as much. He's eating 2nd foods already and has two containers a day. He really seems to like the fruit and cereal mixtures. He's in size 3 diapers and even sometimes size 4 overnight to keep from leaking. He's wearing 9 month size clothes. He loves his exersaucer and really has taken to playing with the toys attached to it...much more than Viv ever did. He can roll over both directions but he frequently forgets he can roll from tummy to back. His 6 month stats from his doctor appointment were height 27 1/4 in (77%), 18# 8oz (70%), head circumference 44 cm (71%). I bought him his first pair of shoes the other day...size 3 infant...and he's going to grow out of those soon. He still takes 3-4 naps a day....2-3 short naps in the morning and afternoon and one long nap in the afternoon starting around 1 pm...usually until 4 or 4:30 pm...sometimes I have to wake him up for his afternoon bottle. He's a little more pacifier oriented now but still not as dependent as his sister. 

We just love him to pieces! 

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