Friday, May 20, 2016

Something to Talk About

Viv's vocabulary continues to grow every day. For awhile she was repeating the same stuff all the time and we would have the same 'conversations' every day. But it seems like just within the last two weeks or so she's picking up new words and phrases and using them accordingly. I know I'm not going to remember everything that she says and I wish I could type it in the way she says it...but I'm just considering it a 'win' that I'm remembering to document what I can. 

She still pretty much asks for 'Baby Boy' the second she wakes up. Her favorite item still remains 'ink mimi' or 'purple mimi'. She loves all her 'horseys' and plays with them frequently. She constantly asks for 'black dia' (iPad) so she can watch her shows...Wrigley is 'giggly' and Mickey is 'gigi' with a hard G sound. We've discovered the movie Finding Nemo and so now she asks to 'watch memo' all the time. She also likes to tell me in the most pathetic little voice when 'Baby cry'...and usually she's the reason Rowan is crying! We recently checked out a new book at the library called Little White Fish. She loved this book and knew the story within a couple of she would sit and 'read' it herself...basically the story is that the baby fish is crying because he can't find his he looks at each sea creature and asks if that's his mommy. Viv liked to talk about how 'baby 'ish cry' and 'mommy 'ish'...and when asked if each sea creature was his mommy she would say 'nnnnnooooooo'. She loved the book so much I ended up getting her a copy. She's also loving Dr. Seuss books right now as well as the Goldbug book. 

We are on the verge of potty training as she does tell me after she's gone potty and says she's 'potty in her kicks'...I've come to learn that 'kicks' are pants/clothes. She also tells me she has 'rocks n kicks'...meaning she also has a dirty diaper...and I follow up with asking if she has rocks in her pants? She loves to name the colors of everything..especially cars. She's finally started to say orange but still won't say red...or it comes out as 'gong'. She's very into labels and every older person is either a 'Papa or Gaga', everyone our age is 'mommy or Baba' and every person her age or younger is 'baby'. She still hasn't attempted to say her own name. She refers to herself as 'baby'. When we sit down to family dinner she has to name everyone. 

We had some big knock down, drag out fights over saying 'please'..she has said it for a long time but when I started requiring her to say it we had some power struggles...but guess who won? Now its onto getting her to say thank you consistently. 

We are working on counting but she refuses to start at the beginning and ignores 1-4... her counting starts at 5....5,6,8,9,10... and she conveniently leaves out 7. She recognizes all the letters of the alphabet but doesn't sing her 'ABCs' yet. I bought her some number flashcards and to my surprise she knew all the numbers we'll work on the counting. 

Most mornings we try and get out of the house for some reason or another. If we aren't going anywhere she's been asking to 'go'. She asks to put on her 'ho-hos' (shoes) and her 'kitty-kitty coat' (Hello Kitty coat). She's also been asking to wear her hat and sunglasses too. 

And every night before bed she asks for 'cookies and 'ilk'...graham crackers and milk. I'm loving that I can finally communicate with her but I will miss her toddler talk!

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