Saturday, April 9, 2016

2 months

We've made it two months! Rowan continues to be the sweetest little thing...however, he's not so little anymore. His 2 month appointment stats were 12 # 4 oz (48%), 23.75 in long (60%), 40 cm head circumference (76%). It's hard to believe he almost weighs half of what Viv does now! Already in size 1 diapers and well into his 3-6 month sized clothes. His feet are already starting to fill out the feet in the pants. He's still eating 4-6 oz of formula at a time and still feeds a lot in the evening which I'm assuming is still cluster feeding. We do have some issues with spitting up and gas but for the most part he seems pretty comfortable and really only cries when he's hungry or his sister gets a bit too rough. Viv is still completely in love with him and I have to get after her often to give him his space. She's been trying to crawl into the rock-n-play with him. She calls him 'Baby Boy' and is always concerned with where he's at. She tells me 'Baby nap' and 'Baby cry' when he's sleeping and of course if he's crying. She constantly tries to steal 'Boo mimi' (pacifier) and thinks it a big game to be chased trying to get it away from her. Nathan always refers to him as 'Baby Boy Hein' since that's what his wristband said from the hospital. 

The weather still hasn't been great so we haven't been able to spend a bunch of time outside, but we have been able to use the porch a little. His neck is much stronger and it won't be long before we can use the bumbo. 

He's teased us a few times and has slept through the night...but just when I thought it was going to be permanent he went back to waking up again to eat. Usually it's anywhere from 2-4 am and he's usually only up for about 30 minutes...he eats his six ounces and then is right back to sleep until 7:30 or so. He's still sleeping in the rock-n-play in our bedroom. He also really likes the bouncy set and the swing. 

He hasn't quite figured out the pacifier yet...he mostly just chews on it. He usually needs it held in place but it is helpful in getting him to sleep sometimes. 

Mom and baby selfie. 

We are to the smiley stage! I can usually get big grins out of him by tickling his cheeks. Sometimes it seems like he's almost laughing at me. He coos a lot as well but most of the time he's so quiet you barely know he's in the room. 

Sleeping in the same position his sister used to....arms over the head. 

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