Monday, June 16, 2014

7 months

7 doesn't seem possible! Again, about a week before she was officially 7 months old we had our 6 month check up and vaccines. She weighed in at 15# 8 oz (25%) was 26.25 inches long (50%) and head circumference of 43.4 cm (65%). The Dr. actually said 'she's long and lean'!! Ha!! Nathan and I both laughed....cause that's probably the last time she will ever hear that phrase! Long and lean doesn't exactly run in either side of our families. 

Sleep still escapes us as she is up 2-3 times a night to have her pacifier replaced. Her sleeping habits also got much worse after her vaccines....they always seem to throw her off a bit. She is the most distracted eater I have ever come across.....but I had virtually no baby experience before she came what do I know? It's a chore to get 4 oz of formula down her after her solids. She eats at 8 am, noon, 4 pm, and 8 pm. She gets solids the first three meals and then just a bottle before bed. She is consistently going down around 8-9 pm. Nathan loves to fall asleep with her holding his hand. She does go down fairly smooth and then we move her up to the crib. 

She is sitting up like a champ and is tolerating tummy time much better. She is rolling over more readily from front to back but still can't seem to figure out how to get from back to front. She rolls on her sides all the time and still prefers to sleep on her side but just can't make it all the way over. She reaches for everything these days and I can't seem to satisfy her curiosity. She loves anything new....when I give her a new object she immediately turns it over and over in her hands and begins to 'talk' to it. She will sit and examine something for 15-20 minutes. She entertains herself very well. However, she gets bored with her 'old' toys easily. 

I would say she's still has quite a ways to go before we need to worry about crawling. And we've seen no signs of teeth yet either. We did start the '2nd' foods meaning she can now have combinations of foods...and Dr. Laura said we could start to add in proteins and things we eat as long as they are pureed. My homemade babyfood makin' skills are going to have to improve. I'll have to research some new recipes! 

She is still such a happy baby and squeals in delight at attention. We just returned from a week in Destin, more to come! 

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