Sunday, January 12, 2014

Two Months

People aren't lying when they say 'Where does the time go?'. I'm thankful that two months has passed already….that's two months closer to spring and better sleep! She has changed quite a bit. I look back at our pictures from the hospital and when she just came home and she looks so little!

She weighed 9# 8.5 oz this week at BFSG (breast feeding support group). That's what I weighed at birth! She is still able to wear her newborn clothes but not for long! She's about popping out of her sleepers and a few pairs of pants. She is getting more independent and will now tolerate the swing for a significant amount of time and we have had less of this face….

and more of these faces!!

She LOVES the changing table. She is all smiles when changing her diaper and clothes. Maybe because she can see us the best up there? She's already a fashionista and likes her outfits? She's started cooing and talking a little and I swear she is already saying 'Hi'. 

It's still a crap shoot regarding how much she will eat at a time. She is still not a great nurser and I'm still pumping. I guess I'm thankful she will take formula and a bottle after hearing some other friends discuss their baby's feeding habits. I hope she won't be a picky eater. Sometimes she only wants 2 oz and other times she will suck down 4 oz in no time flat. She does most of her eating at night…she is a bottomless pit between 6 pm and midnight. She's also broken out with baby acne. It's not horrible and I think it's improving, but her perfect newborn skin is no longer. 

She's gonna hate me for this, but she passes gas like no other! She could take on any man in that area! It cracks us up all the time. I'm afraid to take her to church…she'll rip one during a prayer and everyone will think it's me!!

We had a slight breach in sleeping after my 1 month post…but lately she's made some more progress. We have been putting her back in the rock-n-play to sleep since she seemed to sleep for longer periods of time rather than in her crib. She's had a few nights of going down around 11-12 and slept until 7 am. I was sure she was dead…it's so hard to see if they are breathing when they are wearing those sleep sacks! The sleep sacks and swaddling is going better…but I will not be sorry to see them go! 

I have been using the cloth diapers moderately. I don't have enough yet in my stash to go completely CD. One friend of mine suggested still using disposables overnight so I don't feel too guilty. I've liked them so far…except for the prefolds. I've been using inserts and all in ones. I like them both and have ordered more of each so we can go exclusively CD during the day. I still have quite a few disposables left from our showers that were gifts…so I have to use those up first. My only complaint about CD is that they are way more bulky than disposables.  

She loves to sit up and prefers to be vertical rather than lying on her back. She is constantly in motion (a trait she gets from me?!?). It makes it exhausting to hold her some days when she doesn't want to be put down but doesn't seem to be content to be held either. She just wants to get up and go! She's an active little soul trapped in a newborn body! 

We've had bitter cold weather over the last week and so it's made it hard to get out and about. We still don't go many places other than BFSG, Von Maur, and Gpa and Gma's houses. I've really tried to limit myself to going to the mall since I definitely don't need to do more shopping…but we have been pretty stir crazy!

We are learning to take some selfies...

The brainwashing begins…watching the ISU press conference announcing the new offensive coordinator with Gma Julie. 

Her bed head in the morning always makes me smile. 


  1. Love those smiles! Looks like her personality is already coming thru. Keep on brainwashing her;)
