Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas: Part 3

This is the final installment of Christmas 2011....whew! The Hein family Christmas was held on the's a much larger event and more informal....we make homemade pizza and catch up from the last year. I've helped to make the pizza the last few years. Nathan's aunt Nancy and Gma Marie came to pick me up in the afternoon...and Gma Marie was able to see her tree. 

Nathan was lucky to be home for lunch at the time and showed her which ornament was his favorite and she pointed out a few special ones to her as well. 

The event was held at Dick and Pat's house...

....we got to break in her new kitchen! Nancy is a pro at making the pizza dough!

Libby concocted a flow chart of everyone's toppings likes and dislikes...we aim to please!

Libby was in charge of the pepperoni....

I was on cheese patrol...

We made 6 pizzas total...and there wasn't much left to spare!

One other Hein family tradition are the cookies..known as Cook's...these have been around a LONG time and everyone looks forward to them every year. They are essentially little chocolate wafers with a whipped cream mixture in the middle...the whipped mixture softens the cookies as they sit (they have to be made at least 24 hrs before serving)...and the cookies can be hard to find...for a while they couldn't find them in Iowa and Nancy had to special purchase them in Minneapolis...but they have since been spotted back in Iowa grocery stores...whew!

A 2009 pic...a group shot of Hein cousins shoving Cook's in their mouths! It takes talent.....

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