Friday, September 18, 2015

20 weeks

20 weeks...somehow I don't look as big in this picture as I feel. I'm feeling good and eating everything in sight these days. I'm having to get up multiple times in the night to use the bathroom. I'm not as active as I was with Viv....I'm not able to walk as much as I'd like since I have an almost 2 year old in tow as well. 

We had our 20 week ultrasound on Monday and everything checked out ok. Halfway there! I feel like this ultrasound was better than Viv' seems she explained a lot more and we were able to see more things. For instance, she was clearly able to scan his lips and nose to rule out a cleft palate. Viv's arm was in front of her face the entire time during her ultrasound so we weren't able to see that. I'm feeling lots of movement and having a little heartburn at night. We haven't really ordered anything yet for his room. I've bought a few clothes but not a lot of winter stuff is out yet. I'm afraid to buy much summer stuff on clearance since I'm guessing he will grow faster than Viv did.

He measured right on track at 19 weeks and 4 days. And 11 oz. for weight. I asked if at this point they could predict how big he would be at birth but she said not quite yet.